13 (2), 2024
Arş. Gör. Dr. Tahsin ÇETİN, Prof. Dr. Cengiz DURAN & Prof. Dr. Mehmet ÇOLAKIntermediary Variable Effect of Total Quality Management Applications On Product Quality And Innovation
Purpose: It is aimed to reveal inadequacies of midsize furniture enterprises operating at the SME level in Turkey to perform innovations, generate solutions to these inadequacies and to create a model that would bring an innovation adequacy within the scope of market competition.
Methodology: It is endeavored to determine an appropriate model for enterprises to survive successfully in challenging market competition conditions by helping them make more practical innovative moves and gain awareness by surveys.
Findings: According to the results of the analysis, it has been concluded that confirmatory factor analysis and all fit indices of the model are at an acceptable level. Besides, according to the result of the model established with intermediary variables; it has been determined that the effect of administrators' innovation perception on Technology Management / Re&De variable and product quality and innovation is more significant than comparison, customer orientation and strategical plan variables and the perception shows a full intermediacy effect, in contrast to the partial intermediacy effect with other variables.
Practical Implications: Considering this result; we suggest that as long as midsize enterprises (SMEs) operating in the aforementioned furniture sector make Technology Management / Re&De investments, they will experience no difficulty in market competition. Also, furniture administrators working in the middle management will be able to make innovations uneventfully.
Originality: For the sector to develop further, it is of great importance that it gains integrated action efficiency by following the developments in different industries.
JEL Codes: M12, O32, P42.
Keywords: Benchmarking, Productivity, Product Quality and Innovation, Intermediary variable
DOI : 10.15659/jeim.13.2.002 [PDF]
Yas n KILIÇLI & Zeker ya NAS
The Impact of Women Entrepreneur Performance on Compet t ve Advantage and Bus ness Performance
Purpose: To investigate the impact of women entrepreneur performance (WEP) on competitive advan-
tage (CA) and business performance (BP). It also examines the mediating role of RA between WEP and
Methodology: The sample consists of 183 women entrepreneurs. Data were collected from the par-
ticipants by the questionnaire method. Structural equation modelling was used to explain the complex
relationships between variables.
Findings: The WEP positively and significantly affects both CA and BP. While CA significantly affects BP,
it also has a mediating effect.
Practical Implications: Eliminating the obstacles faced by women entrepreneurs and managing them
effectively will provide them with a competitive advantage while ensuring sustainable growth.
Originality: This study includes theoretical as well as practical implications. The motivation of this study
is to reveal the problems faced by women entrepreneurs and to offer solutions.
Originality: There is no study in the literature on the problems faced by SMEs owned by women en-
trepreneurs in TRB2 Region and how these problems affect their business performance. Therefore, this
study adds a unique feature to the existing literature. In addition to the main variables, the use of com-
petitive advantage as a mediating variable differentiates this study from other studies in the literature.
Keywords: Women Entrepreneurs, Competitive Advantage, Business Performance.
Jel Codes: M10, M13, M31
Keywords: Women Entrepreneurs, Competitive Advantage, Business Performance
DOI : 10.15659/jeim.13.2.001 [PDF]
Volkan YÜNCÜ, Koray GÜRPINAR & Emine Ağtaş
The Effect of Proact ve Personal ty Tra ts on Entrepreneur al Intent on: The Med at ng Role of Perce ved Educat onal Support and Perce ved Structural Support
Purpose: This research aims to examine all direct and indirect relationships between entrepreneurial
intention, proactive personality traits, perceived educational support, and perceived structural support.
Methodology: In the research, data were analyzed with the PLS-SEM technique. As a technical require-
ment, after testing the measurement model and observing its validity and reliability, the mediating role of perceived educational support and perceived structural support in the effect of proactive personal
characteristics on entrepreneurial intention was tested in the proposed structural model.
Findings: Path and Importance-Performance Map analyses performed on the structural model showed
that proactive personal characteristics, perceived educational support, and perceived structural support
had a significant positive effect on entrepreneurial intention, and all hypotheses tested in the study were
confirmed. The strength of the impact on entrepreneurial intention was observed as proactive personal-
ity traits, perceived educational support, and perceived structural support, respectively.
Practical implications: The research results pointed out two main points. First, when personality trait
theories were evaluated together with contextual elements, more comprehensive inferences regarding
entrepreneurial intention were obtained. Secondly, it was observed that entrepreneur candidates posi-
tively affected by the entrepreneurship education process are less affected by other negative structural
elements. Evaluating these results within the framework of entrepreneurship education will contribute to
developing the entrepreneurship ecosystem.
Originality: This research has considered two different perspectives together with the existing research
structure in which proactive personality traits are discussed together with the factors arising from the
current context, and in this direction, it has made a unique contribution to the existing literature on
entrepreneurial intention.
JEL Codes: L26, I23, M10
Keywords: Proactive Personality Traits, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Intention, entrepreneurship education
DOI : 10.15659/jeim.13.2.003 [PDF]
Integrating AI into Entrepreneurial Marketing Strategies
Purpose: Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in digital marketing, offering
unprecedented opportunities for entrepreneurs to streamline operations and enhance customer en-
gagement. This article explores the profound impact of AI adoption within entrepreneurial marketing
contexts. It aims to present a conceptual framework delineating the integration of AI into entrepreneur-
ial marketing strategies, highlighting its potential to revolutionize the field.
Methodology: The study employs a bibliometric analysis to provide a quantitative summary of the
field. A total of 132 publications from the Web of Science database were analyzed using the Vosviewer
program. These publications span topics such as management, business, computer science, economics,
environmental studies, accommodation, and education. The bibliometric approach offers a structured
overview of the current state of research in AI and entrepreneurial marketing.
Findings: The findings reveal the multifaceted impact of AI on entrepreneurial marketing. Key appli-
cations include customer insights, personalized marketing, predictive analysis, automation, optimized
advertising, chatbots, competition analysis, and content optimization. These results underscore AI’s
transformative role in reshaping how entrepreneurial marketing strategies are developed and executed.
Furthermore, AI is anticipated to assume an even more significant role in the field in the coming years.
Originality: This study contributes to the growing body of knowledge by offering one of the first
comprehensive investigations into the integration of AI within entrepreneurial marketing. By combining
a conceptual framework with bibliometric analysis, the research provides valuable insights into the in-
terplay between AI and entrepreneurial marketing strategies, paving the way for future studies to build
on these findings.
Jel Codes: M10, M31, M31, M13
Keywords: Articifial Intelligence, Entrepreneurial Marketing, Digital Marketing, Machine Lear- ning, Big Data,
DOI : 10.15659/jeim.13.2.004 [PDF]
Umut Uyan
Forced To Become Entrepreneurs: Investigating the Impact of Workplace Bullying on the Entrepreneurial Intentions of Immigrant Workers in Turkey
ABSTRACT Purpose: The issue of migrant workers has been frequently addressed in management and
tion studies, as in many other fields since migration has become a global phenomenon. By referring
to the push-pull theory of entrepreneurship, the current study aims to understand to what extent the
bullying behavior that migrant workers are exposed to in the workplace encourages them to engage
in entrepreneurship. The main assumption that constitutes the hypotheses is that negative workplace
experiences push migrant workers to create alternatives against undesirable working conditions.
Methodology: A quantitative research design was employed, involving standardized questionnaires
to gather data from 231 migrant workers employed in Turkey’s textile sector. The hypotheses were
tested using the AMOS statistical program.
Findings: The findings support the bullying behavior that migrant workers are exposed to in their
workplaces pushes them to become entrepreneurs (β= 0.36, p<.001). Further, the findings indicate
that individual entrepreneurship orientation (IndEO) does not moderate the relationship mentioned
(β = 0.03, p= .33). Originality: Unlike mainstream entrepreneurship literature, this study demonstrated
that entrepre-
neurship can be an ‘imperative’ stemming from unfavorable working conditions of migrant workers,
rather than an ‘attractive’ phenomenon. Yet, the success and sustainability of such entrepreneurial
activities is debatable. The study is expected to provide a clearer picture of migrant entrepreneurial
initiatives and, therefore, guide policymakers in developing effective strategies to support economies.
Codes: L26, J61, J15
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, migrant entrepreneurship, workplace bully, push-pull theory, IndEO
DOI : 10.15659/jeim.13.2.005 [PDF]
Bayram GÜVEN, Burcu Gülsevil BELBER & Lokman DİNÇ
The Relationship and Interactions Among Digital Literacy, Innovativeness and Entrepreneurial Inclinations: A Study on University Students
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to determine the relationships among digital literacy, innovative-
ness and entrepreneurial tendencies of tourism students and to examine the effects of digital literacy
and innovativeness tendencies on entrepreneurial tendencies.
Methodology: In the study, survey technique was used to collect primary data. Through convenience
sampling technique, 399 questionnaires were obtained. The research data were analyzed using Smart
Findings: According to the findings of partial least squares based structural equation modeling (PLS-
SEM), it was determined that digital literacy tendencies of tourism students have a positive effect on
both innovativeness and entrepreneurship tendencies, and innovativeness tendencies have a positive
effect on entrepreneurship tendencies. In addition, it has been observed that innovativeness has both
a mediating and a positive effect on the effect of tourism students’ digital literacy tendencies on their
entrepreneurial tendencies.
Practical Implications: The result of this study supports the importance of specialization on digital
literacy and innovativeness. Both entrepreneurship and digitisation courses should be compulsory in
tourism departments and other departments with links to the sector.
Originality: The difference of the study from other studies is that the innovativeness variable is used
together with digital literacy and entrepreneurship variables because these variables have not been used
together before. This gap in the literature is tried to be filled with the findings of the study.
Keywords: Tourism education, digital literacy, innovativeness, entrepreneurship
DOI : 10.15659/jeim.13.2.006 [PDF]
Evaluations and Suggestions on the Positioning of Immigrant Entrepreneurship Adventure in Academic Research in Türkiye
Purpose: This study based on field research conducted in Türkiye aims to present some findings and
suggestions regarding the positioning of immigrant entrepreneurship in the field of social sciences
Method: In the article, 63 field studies were evaluated through quantitative content analysis on the axis
of determined themes.
Findings: Six themes were determined in the article: “immigrant group studied”, “conceptual clarity”,
“historical distribution”, “research method”, “spatial appearance” and “gender”. As a result of the
analysis made on the basis of themes, it was seen that the studies concentrated on certain points and
left out some points.
Conclusion and Recommendations: Research on immigrant entrepreneurship has contributed sig-
nificantly to the existing literature. However, new research focusing on different aspects than previous
studies will provide a more original contribution to the literature.
Originality: This article, which analyzes field studies conducted in the field of immigrant entrepreneur-
ship on different themes, is significant in terms of drawing attention to the limited or missing aspects
that the studies have left out and guiding new research.
Keywords: Immigrant, Entrepreneurship, Immigrant Entrepreneurship, Refugee Entrepreneurship, Syr- ian entrepreneurs
DOI : 10.15659/jeim.13.2.007 [PDF]
Invest gat on of Entrepreneursh p Tendenc es of Secondary School Students
ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the entrepreneurial tendencies of secondary
Methodology: The study used Q methodology with criterion sampling, selecting 33 secondary school
students who received entrepreneurship education. Data collection involved 16 Q statements to mea-
sure students’ attitudes, skills, and intentions toward entrepreneurship.
Findings: The study identified three groups: “Potential Entrepreneurs” with positive attitudes, skills, and
intentions; “Dreamers” with low attitudes and skills but high intentions; and “Reluctant Entrepreneurs”
with high attitudes and skills but low intentions.
Results: The research suggests that entrepreneurship education at the secondary level is critical, but it
needs to be customized to different student profiles to fully harness entrepreneurial potential.
Authencity: The research is an original study examining entrepreneurship education and entrepreneur-
ial tendencies at secondary education level.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurial Intention, Entrepreneurial Tendency, Innova- tion, Secondary Education, Q methodology
DOI : 10.15659/jeim.13.2.009 [PDF]
Ali AYCI, Musa PINAR, İsmail İlhan HATİPOĞLU & Tulay GİRARD
Relationships of Brand Orientation with Internal Branding Factors: An Employee Perspective in a B2B Manufacturing Context
Amaç: Bu çalışma, çalışanların firmanın marka yönelimi ve içsel markalaşma çabalarına ilişkin algılarını
ve içsel markalaşmanın faydalarını (sonuç faktörlerini) inceleyerek, çalışanların bu kavramları ne ölçüde
anladıklarını ve içselleştirdiklerini, bunun sonucunda da marka performansına olan etkilerini belirlemeyi
Yöntem: Araştırma, bir B2B üretim firmasında gerçekleştirilmiş ve anket, çalışanlara e-posta yoluyla gön-
derilen bir bağlantı aracılığıyla çevrimiçi olarak uygulanmıştır. Toplamda 600 çalışana ulaşılan anketlerden
220’si eksiksiz bir şekilde doldurulmuş ve analize dahil edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Sonuçlar, içsel markalaşma faktörlerinin tamamının pozitif ve anlamlı bir şekilde ilişkili oldu-
ğunu göstermektedir. İçsel markalaşma belirleyicileri, marka performansını, marka yönelimini ve içsel markalaşmayı anlamlı bir şekilde tahmin etmektedir. Ayrıca, bazı demografik değişkenlerin çalışanların
içsel markalaşma faktörlerine yönelik algılarını etkilediği görülmüştür.
Sonuçlar: Literatürde tanımlanan içsel markalaşma faydaları/sonuç faktörleri; marka bağlılığı, marka
vatandaşlık davranışı, marka sadakati ve çalışan tanınması/ödüllendirilmesi olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu fak-
törlerin, marka performansı üzerinde önemli bir etkisi olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Özgünlük: Bu çalışma, üretim sektöründe, çalışanların perspektifinden marka yönelimi ve içsel marka-
laşmayı inceleyen öncü araştırmalardan biri olup, akademik ve yönetsel uygulamalara değerli katkılar
Keywords: Internal Branding, Brand Orientation, Internal Branding Factors
DOI : 10.15659/jeim.13.2.009 [PDF]